
Ship Nine-Four takes great pride in our uniforms. We sew our own patches, do our own embroidery, and engrave our own nameplates.
The uniforms start with Short Sleeve Work Shirt (Dickies Nos. 1574DN) with Dark Navy Blue pants (Dickies Nos. 874DN (male) and 774DN (female)) The color for both is “Dark Navy.” We recommend the men’s shirt for both male and female Scouts because the required insignia don’t fit well on the women’s shirt sleeves. Once you have the Shirt and Pants, bring them to a ship meeting. We will:
- embroider “Sea Scouts, BSA”
- sew the patches on
- engrave a nameplate
- make a t-shirt.

Don’t bother to look for the patches at the Scout Shop – most of them are unique to Sea Scouts and our Ship. Our hats are also super-cool and custom-made. We keep them in stock in the Ship’s Store. See the Purser to purchase.
Find out more about the official Sea Scout uniform at https://seascout.org/uniforming/